After passing a medical and completing the formalities of his Anfield move,
Joe Cole sat down with to give his first interview as a Liverpool player.
메디컬을 통과하고 조콜은 리버풀선수로써 처음으로 LFC tv와 인터뷰했다.
First of all Joe, on behalf of our fans all over the world welcome to Liverpool Football Club...
일단 조콜님, 우리팬들을 대표해서 리버풀에 오신것을 환영합니다.
Thank you very much. I'm glad to be here.
감사합니다. 이곳에 와서 기뻐요.
What have the past 48 hours been like?
지난 48시간동안 어땠어요?
They have been crazy. I set myself a deadline to make a decision
and when I made it I sent a text to Christian Purslow and Steven Gerrard and then turned my phone off. I know I have made the right decision and I am looking forward to the challenge. This is a challenge for me. I have played in London all my life, I could have stayed at Chelsea because the fans loved me and I won things, but I wanted to challenge myself and when I knew Liverpool were interested it was a no-brainer because they are the biggest club in the country.
저 스스로 결정에 데드라인을 정했어요.그리고 퍼슬러우 와 제라드에게 이 결정을 내렸다고
문자를 보낸뒤에 저는 핸드폰을 껐죠.
저는 제가 올바른 결정을 했다고 믿어요, 그리고 저는 도전을 고대하고있어요. 이건 저에대한 도전이죠.
저는 제 인생을 런던에서 살았고, 저는 첼시에서 머물렀죠 왜냐하면 팬들은 저를 사랑했고 무언가를 얻었기때문이죠, 하지만 저는 저스스로 도전하기를 원했고 리버풀이 저에게 관심이 있다는걸 아는것은 쉬운일이었어요, 왜냐하면 리버풀은 거대한 클럽이기때문이죠.
How will you feel to have the fans who made so much noise in that semi-final on your side now?
그 준결승당시 팬들이 환호했던 소리를 당신편에서 듣는다는기분이 어때요?
That's the thing I am looking forward to. You talk to Liverpool players and talk about the European nights. I experienced it as an opponent and it was immense. To go out there and play in that atmosphere every week will be phenomenal.
그건 제가 고대하던 것이에요. 당신은 리버풀선수들에게 말하고 유러피안 나이트에 대해서 말하죠.
저는 그것을 상대편으로써 경험했고 그것은 정말 대단했어요.
그런 분위기에서 매주 플레이한다는것은 경이로와요.
Did Roy Hodgson have to sell the club to you - or does the club sell itself?
호지슨이 당신에게 접근했나요?아니면 클럽이 그랬나요?
I had a chat with the gaffer about football and was impressed with him. The club has had Spanish and French managers over the years and I think it's a breath of fresh air to get an Englishman in.
The club finished seventh last year which wasn't good enough and he explained where the club wanted to go.
저는 영감님(호지슨?)과 축구에관해 대화했고 아주 감명받았어요.
클럽은 몇년동안 스페인,프랑스감독을 경험해봤죠 저는 그 잉글리쉬감독이 이곳에 신선한 바람을 몰고올거라 생각해요.
클럽은 지난시즌 충분하지않은 7위로 시즌을 마감했고 그는 클럽이 나아가야할 방향에대해 설명했어요.
With the amount of experience Roy has as a manager, how do you think he can help you move on to another level?
로이의 매니저로써의 풍부한 경험이, 그가 당신을 레벨업시켜줄거라고 생각했나요?
We have talked about positions in the team and types of formations he wants to play and
I just want to be part of the team. I want to go out there and to run and fight for the lads and the fans.
That's what I'll always do and Roy is the man who can make sure we are a nice unit as a team.
우린 팀과 포메이션에 대해 긍정적으로 대화했고 저는 팀의 일원이 되기를 원해요. 저는 그곳에가서 팬들을 위해 달리고 싸울거에요. 그것은 로이와 제가 팀으로써 좋은 조합이라고 확신하게 만들수있는거에요.
Does it excite you when you look through the names in the Liverpool squad?
리버풀스쿼드에 당신이름이 있다는것은 정말 흥분되지않나요?
Yes, definitely. I am used to playing with world class players. I am excited about playing with Fernando and obviously I know Stevie, Carra and Jonno from the England set-up. Pepe Reina, Aquilani - there are a lot of big name players here but I will need time to settle down and relax into the club. I can guarantee the fans I will be giving 100 per cent every game. I am proud to be playing for this club and will give my all in every training session and every game to help the club be successful and put some pots in the trophy cabinet.
예,확실히요. 저는 월클플레이어와 축구를하곤했어요. 저는 토레스와 제가아는 제라드 캐러거 존슨과 플레이해서 기뻐요. 레이나 아퀼라니와 같이 빅네임이 있는 클럽에서요, 하지만 저는 클럽에 스며들기위해선 시간이 조금 필요할거에요.
The day after you signed Steven Gerrard committed his future to Liverpool - how much did that mean to you?
당신이 계약한 하루뒤에 제라드가 당신을 꼬드겼다고밝혔던데 - 당신에게 어떤의미였죠?
That was the best bit of news I could have had.
I know Stevie, he is Liverpool through and through and I know from playing with and
against him for the last 10 years what a quality player he is. I know how much this club means to him. I think players can play for other clubs but with Liverpool you have to live and breathe it.
It's that kind of a place. I am excited by the challenge. I am moving my family and everyone is excited and booking their weekends up here. I am going to make it work.
그건 제가 할수있는 뉴스중에 최고였어요.
제가 아는 제라드, 그는 리버풀맨이고 저는 그를 뛰어산 선수로써 상대해왔기때문에 그를 알아요.
저는 그에게 이 클럽이 어떤 의미를 가지고있는지 알고있어요.
저는 선수가 다른 클럽을 위해 뛸수있다고 생각해요 하지만 리버풀에서는 생생하고 숨쉴수있죠.(?)
How big a move is it for you to move up north?
북쪽으로 이동하는게 당신에게 얼마나 큰 이동이었나요?
It's a massive deal. We've just had a young baby girl, but I'm 28 now and I have a good family around me. I know people will make me feel welcome and the response I have had has been amazing. I just want to get involved. When you move to a new club it's important to immerse yourself into everything
about it and that's what I'll be looking to do. I know the fans are great with the players and I will fight to try and win trophies for this club.
이건 거대한 거래에요. 우리는 어린 딸이있지만 저는 지금 28살이고 저는 주위에 좋은 친지들을 가지고있이요. 저는 사람들이 환영해줄거라 믿고 제 반응은 정말 엄청날 거에요. 저는 단지 잘 스며들기를 바랍니다.
당신이 새로운 클럽으로 이적했을때 스스로를 적응시키는것은 정말 중요해요. 저는 팬들이 선수들과 함께할것이라고 믿고, 저는 클럽의 트로피를 위해 싸울겁니다.
You have been in Switzerland for a couple of days - how impressed have you been with your new manager in just a short space of time?
당신은 스위스에서 며칠 있었어요 - 당신의 새로운 매니저 아래에서 짧은 시간이지만 어땠어요?
Obviously I'm not playing tonight but I have sat in on the first-team meeting and he is very thorough.
He's very much about a team effort and he told the lads it's about effort and desire.
We have to put that in to get results and we have to be together as a team.
I think Roy is the man to bring us together tactically. It's going to be a very long season and there will be spells when things go wrong, but it's about how quickly you get out of them. If you start separating or relying too much on Stevie or Fernando then we can be in trouble, so we have to stay together, fight for each other and we can have a good season.
확실히 오늘밤엔 뛰지않을거에요 하지만 저는 1군미팅에 나갔었고 그는 정말 꼼꼼해요.
그는 팀을 잘알고 그는 욕망과 노력에대해서 꼬꼬마들에게 말했어요. 우리는 결과를 내야만하고 우리는 팀으로써 같이 있어야해요. 저는 로이가 전술상으로 우리를 묶어줄거라 생각해요.
You have been given the No.10 shirt - what does that mean to you?
당신은 10번을 받았어요 - 당신에게 어떤 의미죠?
I'm proud to wear the No.10 shirt. I'd have been proud to wear any Liverpool shirt,
to be honest. It'll be strange to pull on the red shirt for a change but I'm looking forward to it and looking forward to being given time to settle in I just want to help the team to do things.
제가 10번셔츠를 입을수있다는거에 자랑스러워요. 솔직히 어떤 셔츠를 받아도 자랑스러웠겠지만...
빨간색 셔츠로 바꿔입는다는건 정말 요상한 일이에요 하지만 저는 이것을 고대하고 또 이곳에 정착하기를 고대하죠. 저는 팀에게 보탬이 되고싶을뿐이에요.
What do you think you can bring to the team and how much can you improve here?
팀에게 당신이 가져다줄수있는게 뭐라고생각해요? 얼마나 당신이 여기서 발전할수있을까요?
I'd like to make a lot of chances for Fernando and the front boys.
I don't want to say I'll do this and that, I'll just say the fans will have a player who is going to give his all. From what I hear, that's all the people want. I want to be a success here and I'll do everything I can for the team to make it work.
저는 토레스를 위해 많은 찬스를 만들어주고싶어요. 저는 이것저것 말하는걸 원치않아요, 저는 팬들에게 그의 모든것을 보여주게할거라고 말하고싶네요.
Do you think you are entering the peak stages of your career?
이곳에 온것이 당신의 커리어에서 정점이라고 생각해요?
Yes, definitely. I've had a tough two seasons with injury and one of the factors in my decision was coming to a club where I'd be able to string 90 minutes together. I've had a difficult couple of years
but I'm coming here as an experienced player who is still fresh and excited about it.
네 그래요, 저는 부상으로 2시즌을 보냈고 클럽에 오게된 이유중 하나가 경기를 함께 뛸수있다는 거였어요. 저는 2년간 어려웠어요 하지만 저는 여전히 신선하고 활력있는 경험있는선수로써 여기에 왔어요.
Do you set yourself targets?
스스로정한 목표가있나요?
I do but I'll keep them to myself. In football you can have a bad game or a great game,
but for myself I want to be part of a team that's going to win things. It's important this team is challenging and that we're right there at the end. That's my target - to play as many games as I can in this team and achieve something great
네 하지만 비밀이에요. 축구에서 당신은 좋을수도 나쁠수도있어요, 하지만 저는 팀의 부분이 되기를 원하고 그건 우리가 이기는거에요. 이 팀이 도전하는건 중요하고 그것이 마지막에 우리를 올바르게 인도할거에요.
그건 저의 목표에요 - 이 팀에서 제가 할수있는한 많은 게임을뛰고 위대한것을 이루는것이요.
Jamie Carragher was saying yesterday that you're alright for a Cockney...
제이미 캐러거는 어제 당신이 런던사투리를 잘쓰고있다고 말했는데요...
I have always enjoyed good banter with them.
I remember on an England trip when I walked into the players' bar
after a game and Carra's family were there singing the Minder song
because my dad's name is George Cole. I do like the Scouse wit.
저는 항상 그들과 조롱하는것을 즐겼어요. 경기후에 선수들과 바에 갔었고, 캐라의 가족이 노래를 부르고있었어요. 왜냐하면 제 아부지 이름이 조지 콜 이거든요. 저는 스카우져의 위트를 좋아해요.
(이부분은 잘 모르겟네요...ㅠ)
Have you always enjoyed the banter with the fans at Anfield?
당신은 항상 안필드에서 팬들이 당신을 조롱하는걸 즐겼나요?
I love it and hopefully they will be saying nice things about me now.
저는 그걸 좋아하고 희망적이게도 그들은 이제 저를 위해 그 노래를 불러야하죠.
Are you prepared to become an honorary Scouser now?
당신은 명예롭게 스카우져가 될준비가 됬나요?
Yeah. I'll be there eating a bit of Scouse. I like the Beatles as well, so I can't go too far wrong.
네, 저는 스카우저가 되있을거에요. 저는 비틀즈를 좋아하고, 그래서 저는 멀리가지않을겁니다.
How excited are you as you prepare to start your Liverpool career?
당신의 리버풀커리어를 준비하면서 기대되는점은요?
It's a dream come true. I've only been here for 48 hours and my head is still in the clouds.
It has all happened so quickly. I have people on my phone who I didn't even know were Liverpool fans. It seems everyone I bump into is a Liverpool fan - it's a huge club.
꿈이 이루어졌죠. 저는 이곳에온지 48시간밖에 안되서 제 머리는 아직도 복잡해요.
이 일은 빨리 이루어졌죠. 저는 핸드폰에 알지못하는 리버풀팬들의 번호가있어요.
그래서 아주 거대한 클럽이라는것을 알았죠.(ㅋㅋㅋㅋ)
What's your message to Liverpool supporters?
리버풀팬들에 대한 당신의 메시지는요?
I know what they want and know they want a team to be proud of.
I'll go out there every day and live and breathe the club and give my all.
I just want to get myself fit.
저는 그들이 원하는것을 알고, 그들이 팀을 자랑스럽게 여긴다는것도 알아요.
저는 그곳에 매일 갈것이고 살것이고 클럽과 숨쉴거에요 제 모든것을 걸고요. 저는 단지 제 핏을 올리기를 원해요.
Thanks Joe - we wish you the very best in your Liverpool career
쌩유 콜님 - 우리는 당신이 리버풀커리어에서 성공하길 빌어요.
Thanks very much.
출처 : tptp